Your questions - Our answers. Here you have everything at a glance!


Your questions about the MUSTAX M+

Our MUSTAX M+ effectively supports the formation of muscles, increases rideability and promotes the ability to regenerate, but does so without any habituation effect and will not negatively affect your horse's temperament in any way!

Whereas laminitis used to be triggered more frequently by protein, today it is more likely to be caused by fructans in pasture grass. The photosynthesis of plants and therefore the production of energy is dependent on sun, heat and water: if more energy and therefore more sugar is produced, the plant begins to convert the sugar into fructan in order to temporarily store the excess energy. Due to their structure, fructans are rapidly fermentable carbohydrates that are subject to rapid microbial degradation in the horse's large intestine. The products resulting from fermentation can enter the bloodstream through the damaged intestinal mucosa and have a toxic effect on the sensitive dermis of the hooves. Any form of feeding that leads to "overloading" of the cecum and large intestine can result in laminitis. To spare your horse this unnecessary strain, we use high-quality fats in combination with the amino acids lysine and methionine in our MUSTAX M+ - which is why it is also suitable for use in horses with laminitis.

Our MUSTAX M+ is also suitable for foals and young growing horses, as it actively promotes the formation of a good bone structure, among other things. However, the dosage should be lower depending on the age and size of the horse.

Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question, as it depends very much on the individual case (age, weight, constitution, workload) and the desired result: If your horse is already well trained and only needs to be actively supported in building muscle with MUSTAX M+, you should notice an increase in rideability and a shortening of the release phase after just 7 to 10 days. After 4 to 6 weeks, changes in the muscles will be visible to the naked eye. However, if your horse is convalescing after colic surgery, for example, as a result of which it has lost a lot of weight and needs to be gently fed again, it can of course take a few months for your horse to regain its old form.

To achieve a significant difference or a lasting effect, MUSTAX M+ should be fed for around 3 months. After that, you can of course decide for yourself whether you want to continue to support your horse optimally or return to the previous feeding. However, our MUSTAX+ is designed for problem-free long-term administration and can be given indefinitely without a habituation effect occurring.

On average, a small bucket of M+ (5 kg) lasts approx. 3 to 4 weeks for normal requirements, a large bucket of M+ (10 kg) between 6 and 8 weeks.

Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question, as it depends very much on the individual case (age, weight, constitution, workload) and the desired result: If the horse is only to be supported by MUSTAX M+ in building muscle, is only working lightly and has no particular deficits, a dose of 1/3 measuring cup twice a day is absolutely sufficient. However, if your horse is convalescing after colic surgery, for example, and has lost a lot of weight as a result and needs to be gently fed again, a dosage of up to 1 measuring cup twice a day is recommended.

Most horses eat our MUSTAX M+ with their concentrated feed without any problems. A few horses are a little skeptical at first because they are not familiar with powder or cannot yet identify the new taste. However, almost all of them can be easily convinced with simple tricks. 🚀

If your horse is such a gourmet, you can start with a lower dosage and moisten the concentrated feed including M+ with a shot of malt beer/apple juice (depending on preference), or add a dollop of cheap apple sauce from the discount store. In very stubborn cases, the M+ can also simply be stirred into the mash at first. Gradually increase the amount to the final desired dosage.

There is no general answer to this question, as it depends very much on the individual case (age, weight, constitution, workload) and the desired result: If the horse is only to be supported in building muscle, is only working lightly and has no particular deficits, a dose of 1/3 measuring cup of MUSTAX M+ twice a day is absolutely sufficient. However, if the horse is convalescing after colic surgery, for example, and has lost a lot of weight as a result and needs to be gently fed again, a dosage of up to 1 measuring cup of M+ twice a day is completely safe.

If the horse is fed a high proportion of protein for energy production, nitrogen is left over during utilization, which must first be detoxified by the body via the kidneys. To spare your horse this unnecessary burden, we use high-quality fats in combination with the amino acids lysine and methionine in our MUSTAX products instead.

If you want to discontinue our MUSTAX M+, your horse will of course not lose the muscle mass it has built up, as long as the amount of feed is adjusted and its training workload remains the same. However, if your horse gains too much mass while on M+, you can simply reduce the amount of concentrated feed and continue feeding MUSTAX M+ . As a rule of thumb, 200 g of M+ can replace around 1.5 kg of concentrated feed.

We recommend feedingMUSTAXMuscle+twicea day, as this will give you the fastest effects. If you feed the entire amount once a day, this is no problem at all. You may only notice the first results a few days later. If you feed once a day, we recommend starting with a smaller amount at
and then gradually increasing the powder so that your horse can get used to it easily.

You can reduce the dosage during the break phase, but you don't have to. We recommend continuing to give 200g as normal, as it also supplies ligaments, tendons and joints with important nutrients and supports growth. There is no need to worry about a negative effect on temperament- MUSTAX Muscle+does not make your horse's head spin even during light work.

We recommend the dosage for foals (due to the high fat content). As a robust breed, the Shetty utilizes fats differently than a large horse, even under higher loads. Therefore, the lower dosage should easily be sufficient.

As a rule of thumb, 200g of muscle+ can replace approx. 2 kg of concentrated feed in terms of nutritional value. As your training load increases, you can then adjust the concentrate accordingly.

From the age of approx. 1.5 years, a low dose of MUSTAX M+ can be started. In preparation for licensing (lunging/jumping), the recommended amount for a large horse can then be slowly increased.

No, unlike products that boost muscle metabolism via protein, it does not burden the liver. With these products, the excess protein must be detoxified via the liver.

Our MUSTAX M+ is the perfect supplementary food to combat acidosis. Of course, it effectively supports muscle building, but the high-quality fats (instead of increased protein intake) also effectively prevent acidosis.

your questions about tendon+ (S+)

The use of spavin depends entirely on the individual horse's current condition. This is a degenerative joint disease that cannot be cured. Nevertheless, many horses live well with it with hardly any restrictions! If your horse has an acute attack and is going lame, we would recommend our MUSTAX A (ArthroAktiv), as it has an analgesic and slightly anti-inflammatory effect. However, if the spavin has already completely covered the entire joint and your horse is lame-free, you can use the MUSTAX S+ (Tendon+).

Our MUSTAX A is the perfect choice for all horses with age-related signs of wear and tear (e.g. osteoarthritis) and helps them to achieve pain-free mobility. Our new S+ is the secret weapon for tendons, ligaments, fasciae and joints. It not only boosts the metabolism and regeneration of the entire musculoskeletal system, but also provides all the important building blocks for greater flexibility and the formation of cartilage tissue. It can be fed both preventively and during convalescence after damage. In a nutshell: What can still be "repaired" = S+. What can only be alleviated = A.

Of course, nothing can be done about the horse's basic constitution, but by feeding our MUSTAX S+, a young horse can be given all the important building blocks to keep its tendons and ligaments healthy.

Your questions about nervenstabil (N)

Once your horse has built up an appropriate magnesium level by feeding MUSTAX N, the effect is maintained at the show. It's like charging a battery: even if you disconnect the charger, the energy in the battery is retained and your device continues to function. In the same way, the magnesium level built up in the horse is retained after the MUSTAX N is discontinued and supports it during the competition. And you can simply continue administering it immediately after the competition.

Our Nervenstabil is designed to be fed permanently. After a certain period of time, however, the dosage can be adjusted and reduced as required. Alternatively, you can also use it as a cure over a period of 2-4 weeks. We generally recommend a dosage of one scoop per day per horse.

This varies from individual to individual and depends on factors such as your horse's magnesium level at the time you start feeding. If there is a significant magnesium deficiency, it can take 10 to 14 days for this to be compensated and for the effect of Nervenstabil to be felt. In some horses, however, you may notice a change after just 5 to 7 days.

your questions about biotin (BT)

Our MUSTAX BT does not actively help against moulting. However, our BT does contain zinc to support the skin and we have already received positive feedback from customers in this regard.

your questions about gastro (G)

If your horse has stomach problems such as gastric mucosal irritation or healed stomach ulcers, then our MUSTAX G (Gastro) is the right choice.

If, on the other hand, your horse has symptoms such as watery stools, frequent mild colic, flatulence or only moderately utilizes the feed, then we recommend MUSTAX VS (digestive stimulant).

We recommend dividing our MUSTAX G into two portions to ensure that the gastric mucosa is really protected throughout the day.

your questions about the Pulmo (P)

Our MUSTAX P (Pulmo) does not help with a pollen allergy. It contains essential oils that make it easier to cough up mucus and breathe easily. The irritation caused by the allergy trigger is not eliminated.

Your questions about the mineral (MIN)

In principle, MUSTAX MIN (Mineral) is the only product that we would recommend to every horse
. It contains all the important vitamins, trace elements and minerals to effectively prevent the occurrence of all deficiency symptoms and effectively support the metabolism. Due to many changes in agriculture and the alteration of our soils, it is often no longer possible to provide the horse with all the necessary nutrients through conventional concentrated feed or roughage. If your horse suffers from a metabolic disorder such as ECS (Cushing's), SER, RER, or PSSM, then you have a lot to gain by feeding sufficient good quality hay in combination with MUSTAX MIN and MUSTAX M+ you have two real aces up your sleeve to feed your horse a healthy low-carbohydrate diet.

your questions about arthroAktiv (A)

Our MUSTAX A is the perfect choice for all horses with age-related signs of wear and tear (e.g. osteoarthritis) and helps them to achieve pain-free mobility. Our new S+ is the secret weapon for tendons, ligaments, fasciae and joints. It not only boosts the metabolism and regeneration of the entire musculoskeletal system, but also provides all the important building blocks for greater flexibility and the formation of cartilage tissue. It can be fed both preventively and during convalescence after damage. In a nutshell: What can still be "repaired" = S+. What can only be alleviated = A.

your questions about the digestive stimulant (VS)

If your horse has stomach problems such as gastric mucosal irritation or healed stomach ulcers, then our MUSTAX G (Gastro) is the right choice. If, on the other hand, your horse has symptoms such as watery stools, frequent mild colic, flatulence or only moderately utilizes the feed, then we recommend MUSTAX VS (digestive stimulant).

your questions about High-energy (HE)

It is important to us that our customers are well informed and we are happy to help you understand the differences between our MUSTAX HE and other dextrose products on the market. Our MUSTAX fat powder is particularly fine. This increases digestibility because it is easier for your horse to process these fine powder particles. All our formulas are particularly effective thanks to our special powder process, without fillers, and reach your horse quickly and effectively without putting a strain on its sensitive stomach. We also attach great importance to the quality of our ingredients. We use carefully selected raw materials and ensure that our product is free from unnecessary fillers. This often cannot be guaranteed with cheaper dextrose products. In addition, we invest a lot of time and resources in the research and development of our products to achieve the optimal composition and best possible results for your horse. We understand that price plays an important role when choosing a product. However, we are convinced that our MUSTAX HE offers added value that justifies the higher price due to its composition, quality and positive effects on your horse's performance.

It is best to give the horse some concentrated feed approx. 45 to 30 minutes before a major exertion (e.g. the start of a competition).

Further questions

All our MUSTAX products are perfectly coordinated and you can therefore feed them at the same time without any problems. It is precisely this optimal combinability that enables effective all-round care for almost every horse and the most diverse individual requirements.

The pregnancy phase, birth and suckling of a foal demand maximum energy from every mare. To ensure that not only your mare keeps up her strength and does not lose unwanted substance, but also that the foal is well supplied from the start, support with MUSTAX M+ and MIN is highly recommended!

All MUSTAX products are doping-free and fully ADMR-compliant. For our MUSTAX N (Nervenstabil), MUSTAX P (Pulmo) and MUSTAX MB (Mobil), only a withdrawal period of 48 hours must be observed.

All of our formulas designed by horse nutrition experts are particularly effective thanks to the patented powder process, are completely free from fillers and reach your horse quickly and effectively without burdening the animal's sensitive digestive tract. In addition, we only use perfectly coordinated additives for MUSTAX, which are completely utilized by the horse in this optimal combination and are not simply excreted again.

If a horse is fed too much protein for energy production, nitrogen is inevitably left over during utilization, which must first be detoxified by the kidneys. To spare your horse this unnecessary burden, we use high-quality fats in combination with the amino acids lysine and methionine in our MUSTAX products instead.

No, there are absolutely no undesirable side effects when feeding our MUSTAX products! We are only aware of positive effects, as you can read in the many enthusiastic customer feedbacks on our website.

Thanks to our special process for producing the soft powder, all our MUSTAX products are absolutely gentle, extremely easy to digest and therefore particularly suitable for horses with a sensitive digestive tract!

Horses affected by a metabolic disorder always require particularly good diet management, whereby the functionality of the muscles of genetically predisposed horses benefits greatly from an adapted diet even before symptoms occur. A low glycemic and insulinemic index and a high fat content in the feed are crucial. This means that your horse should eat a high-fat diet (even with little exercise), which should only contain a minimum of easily digestible carbohydrates (starch, sugar). As our MUSTAX products meet these requirements to a particularly high degree, they are especially suitable for horses with metabolic problems.

Equine Cushing's syndrome is a disease characterized by a malfunction of the pituitary gland and a resulting excess of glucocorticoid hormones. In Cushing's disease, the glucose can no longer be broken down sufficiently in the horse's body and then acts like a poison. A diet particularly low in carbohydrates and starch is therefore extremely important for affected horses! If your horse is given sufficient amounts of hay and only a minimal ration of concentrated feed, it can still optimally cover its energy requirements by feeding our MUSTAX M+ (based on the use of high-quality fats). Ideally, the required vitamins and minerals are then balanced by supplementing MUSTAX MIN.

Our MUSTAX products can generally be combined with other feeds without any problems. However, to avoid a possible overdose of ingredients, we will be happy to advise you personally in individual cases.

No, none of our MUSTAX products contain soy.

We generally have a very high acceptance rate with MUSTAX, but there are a few "tricks" that should convince even the biggest gourmets.

To get picky horses used to it, you can start with a smaller amount and then slowly increase it until you have reached the recommended ration. This is enough for most horses to get used to the powder. You can also add our products to mash, moisten the concentrated feed and powder with a little apple sauce or malt beer, add a mashed banana or beet pulp or add it to moistened muesli. So far, we have been able to convince every horse to eat the normal amount without any problems after a familiarization phase.

No, unfortunately we do not currently offer samples of our products. However, experience has shown that our products are highly accepted.

Yes, you can add our products to mash without hesitation. This is very popular with our customers, especially when they are initially skeptical. As we only use small amounts of protein (as with M+), denaturation is irrelevant. The only thing we can say about Pulmo is that it works a little better "pure" because of the essential oils.

None of our products help against headshaking, but no MUSTAX product will make it worse.

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